Exceed your customers’ expectations
Have you noticed that the taste of a dish can change depending on the ambience, music or lighting where you eat it?
Food is not only about the taste, it’s about the whole experience surrounding that moment.
According to recent studies, 85% of diners say that their dining experience is directly influenced by factors beyond taste:
The difference between being a good restaurant and being an unforgettable restaurant is
the experience that you offer.
The familiarity with a good paella or pizza is still essential, but what really leaves a mark is the “how” of the experience.
This is not science fiction.
It’s the 360º dining experience that is taking the culinary world by storm.
We know it may sound a bit out of the ordinary, and it is natural to feel some resistance.
“My restaurant has worked the same way for years” you might think.
But here is the twist:
this innovation does not seek to change your essence, only to amplify it.
Enhance what you already offer, taking it to a level that will captivate your customers.
At this point you may be wondering,
what exactly is a 360º gastronomic experience?
It’s a fusion of technology, art, and of course, exquisite food.
The aim is to offer not just a dish, but an unforgettable memory.
“Creating Memorable Gastronomic Experiences: Branding, Rebranding and More”.
We want to make your restaurant unforgettable. Whether you are creating a culinary brand from scratch or you need to give new life to an obsolete concept, at Neurobites we support you in the process.
Our mission is to design gastronomic experiences that will stick in the memory of your diners. We work on the creation of unique brands, successful rebranding cases and the revitalisation of gastronomic concepts.
We take care of every detail, from brand strategy to execution.
What does a Global Memorable Experience Design include?
Working with each and every element of our formula:
“Creación de Experiencias Gastronómicas Memorables: Marca, Rebranding y Más”
Queremos que tu restaurante sea inolvidable. Ya sea que estés creando una marca culinaria desde cero o que necesites darle nueva vida a un concepto obsoleto, en Neurobites te acompañamos en el proceso.
Nuestra misión es diseñar experiencias gastronómicas que se graben en la memoria de tus comensales. Trabajamos en la creación de marcas únicas, casos de rebranding exitosos y la revitalización de conceptos gastronómicos.
Nos encargamos de cada detalle, desde la estrategia de marca hasta la ejecución.
¿Qué incluye un Diseño de Experiencia Memorable Global?
Trabajar con todos y cada uno de los elementos de nuestra fórmula:
Analizamos el target, el entorno, la competencia, las tendencias de F&B, análisis DAFO, entre otros.
Diseño y creatividad para tangibilizar el concepto gastronómico y la experiencia sensorial.
Diseño y creatividad para tangibilizar el concepto gastronómico y la experiencia sensorial.
Funcionalidad, Operatividad y Creatividad son nuestras palabras clave. Junto con nuestro partner Decoretro, podemos diseñar, Fabricar e Instalar cualquier proyecto en cualquier parte del mundo.
Este manual será la clave para formar al personal sobre la experiencia que hay detrás y los protocolos a seguir.
We analyse the target, the environment, the competition, F&B trends, SWOT analysis, among others.
Design and creativity to make the gastronomic concept and sensory experience tangible.
Design and creativity to make the gastronomic concept and the sensorial experience tangible.
Functionality, Operability and Creativity are our key words. Together with our partner Decoretro, we can design, manufacture and install any project anywhere in the world.
This manual will be the key to train staff on the experience behind it and the protocols to follow.
Are you ready to transform your restaurant and offer an unforgettable experience?
Explora cómo la ciencia potencia tu restaurante. Neurogastronomía, estrategias y soluciones a medida.
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